So, seemed like a good idea to pull down the lates Knoppix and try to use the iPod as a way to keep my settings, docs etc - using the "persistant home" feature.
First hurdle was cutting K - but then problems with it getting a decent resolution on my screen.
After all that I don't think it actually found the iPod....
Oh well, I'll just try again tonight on my home machine. Fun fun fun!
Right! - this email is composed in HTML - and has the hash-end-thingy at the bottom of what I have to say - to strip the "disclaimer/advt" off the end of my email Lets see how it goes....
- Linux plans (cube, cube2, desktop, rebuilding glamdring, tutorials inhouse, tutorials for others?, evangalising here) - Strtegic at W - need to be proactive
- Fitness
- Kites
- Language
- Schoolwork with kids
Well, the template's not too bad - but I can't see how I easily choose one of the initial ones. No problem, it's clear that it's very flexable - and the default one if to my taste.
I've just logged out and in again, so that too is pretty easy.
Hmmmm looks like we're up and running!
I've not yet read the Terms&Conditions so it may be that theres a hidden problem which will cause me to can this - lets hope not.
The template-choosing bit had a "next" button which I thought meant "show me the next range of template choices" when in FACT it meant "next step now that I've chosen my template"@!?!! Oh, well, I'm sure I can change it.